Nutrition is a huge part of seeing results when training. Your body is made of what you eat - it literally rebuilds cells using the food we consume!
Although you may be able to intuitively eat to manage weight, you will not see the most benefits from strength training; your body and mood would feel much healthier if given the right nutrients!
Make sure you are getting the proper nutrients you need in order to feel your best physically, mentally, and emotionally.
That is why I am starting with the topic of meal prepping, so that you know how to do what you need to do.
In the following weeks we will discuss more of how things work, and why we have to do what we have to do in order to get the results we want.

WHY We Meal Prep
- Preparation = Success
by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail
- Eating with intuition only is like playing with fire; our mood swings and daily life gets in the way of our goals. Instead, do it the right way - the science way!
- Less stress! It will be done and ready for you/ you'll be at ease knowing that you're staying on track. Feel better and stay more consistent.
You'll feel and see the difference, which will make you want to stick with it longer.
- You are already training, so get the most out of it with good nutrition!
HOW to Meal Prep
- Get containers (I prefer glass)
- Get food scale
- Plan out meals
- Look up ideas on YouTube, Pinterest, internet. Take a peek at the foods I eat on PDF attachment (I usually cook for 2-3 days at a time since they’re fast.)
- You can make anything you like as long as it fits in your numbers AKA Flexible Dieting - Stay away from processed and inflammatory foods as much as possible (we will get more into this)
- Keep it simple (crockpot, easy recipes, etc)
- Plan meals for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks (eating often helps keep you full, which prevents you from falling off track)
- Track calories on MyFitnessPal to make the meal proportions fit into your daily numbers (your specific numbers are on the M2M app)
- Buy groceries
- Cook meals (can take 2-6 hours depending on what all you make)
- Weigh and divide meals into weekly portions, and store
- Grab-and-go throughout the week!
HOMEWORK - Check out one of these meal prepping videos (& then try it out!!!)
This guy is a bro haha sorry, but honestly this is how most trainers and physique competitors eat. You can change out milk for plant milk and peanut butter for a healthier nut-butter, rice for brown rice.
This video includes a full grocery list, recipes, and nutrient breakdown of the meals. He also has several more meal prepping videos on his page
This video shows some great recipes for plant-based/ anti-inflammatory nutrition

IF YOU HAVE NOT TAKEN BEFORE-PICTURES, TAKE THEM!!! The app tells you how to do it.
You don't have to upload them for me to see, but trust me, later on you will wish you had done this for yourself!
Our bodies like consistency - stay consistent to make your body turn into a fat-burning machine!
